reginox rf300s single bowl sink stainless steel inset or undermounted

reginox rf300s single bowl sink stainless steel inset or undermounted


£58.06 (Ex VAT)

Inset Design or UndermountedStainless steel  (18/10 quality) Polished finishing Inset installation 3.5 Strainer WastesFits 300 mm minimum unitSize: 184 x 326mm Bowl Size: 160 x 300 x 125mm “


Inset Design or UndermountedStainless steel  (18/10 quality) Polished finishing Inset installation 3.5 Strainer WastesFits 300 mm minimum unitSize: 184 x 326mm Bowl Size: 160 x 300 x 125mm “

Additional information

Weight 0.00 kg


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